2023-05-12 开启多语言插件支持……

datepicker jquery plugin

javascript 苏 demo 2458℃ 0评论

Date Picker component with a lot of options and easy to fit in your web application.



  • Flat mode – as element in page
  • Multiple calendars in the component
  • Allows single, multiple or range selection
  • Mark dates as special, weekends, special days
  • Easy to customize the look by changing CSS
  • Localiation for months’ and days’ names
  • Custom day to start the week
  • Fits into the viewport


download: jQuery_calendar




转载请注明:苏demo的别样人生 » datepicker jquery plugin

支付宝直接捐助帐号oracle_lee@qq.com 感谢支持!
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