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5 Types of Programming Comments to Avoid

程序员 苏 demo 3123℃ 0评论

Have you ever been reviewing code and come across a comment that you deemed was unnecessary? Commenting your code is meant to improve the readability of your code and make it more understandable to someone other than the original developer.

I have identified 5 types of comments that really annoy me and the types of programmers who make them. I hope after reading this you won’t be one who falls into one of these categories. As a challenge, you can try to match up these comment programmers withthe 5 types of programmers.


1. The Proud Programmer

This programmer is so proud of his code that he feels the need to tag every line of code with his initials. Implementing a version control system (VCS) allows for accountability in code changes, but at first glance it won’t be so obvious who is responsible.

2. The Obsolete Programmer

If a piece of code is no longer used (i.e. Obsolete), delete it – don’t clutter your working code with several lines of unnecessary comments. Besides if you ever need to replicate this deleted code you have a version control system, so you can recover the code from an earlier revision.

3. The Obvious Programmer

We all know how basic programming logic works – this is not “Introduction to Programming.” You don’t need to waste time explaining how the obvious works, and we’re glad you can explain how your code functions – but it’s a waste of space.

4. The Life Story Programmer

If you have to mention requirements in your comments, don’t mention people’s names. Jim from sales probably moved on from the company and most likely the programmers reading this won’t know who he is. Not to mention the fact that it everything else in the comment is irrelevant.

5. The Someday Programmer

This type of comment is sort of a catch-all it combines all the other types. The TODO comment can be very useful when you are in the initial development stages of your project, but if this appears several years later in your production code – it can spell problems. If something needs to be fixed, fix it now and do not put it off until later.


If you are one who makes these types of comments or would like to learn best practices in comment usage, I recommend reading a book like Code Complete by Steve McConnell.


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